WMHT Specials | Season of Change | WMHT's Journey

Publish date: 2024-07-23

(tranquil music) - [Anthony] This is an amazing opportunity.

I believe that this is where I'm supposed to be.

I believe this is where I'm meant to be at this point in my career.

When I first arrived here at WMHT in January, I was most surprised by the warm reception that I received from the staff, the board, and the community.

I must say that this is just a wonderful team that we have here.

I mean, everyone is really committed to their work.

They're dedicated.

They really wanna do the best possible job.

And so what I what I've learned is people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

I think by making an investment in the team, by making investments in individuals that ultimately, you will have a more dedicated, focused, committed, loyal individual.

And if you have that, that will benefit the organization.

And if the organization benefits, the community'll benefit because we'll be better positioned to provide the community with the type of quality content and services that they expect and deserve.

(lively music) What I'm most proud of, I have to say about my WMHT colleagues.

I'm extremely fortunate to work with such a talented team of selfless professionals.

The future is bright.

We have unlimited potential.

Being president and CEO of WMHT is a gift.

I will be forever thankful for this extraordinary opportunity.
