What is the prefix of ist?

Publish date: 2024-08-29

-ist. a suffix of nouns, often corresponding to verbs ending in -ize or nouns ending in -ism, that denote a person who practices, is expert in, or is concerned with something, or holds certain principles, doctrines, etc.: apologist; machinist; novelist; socialist; Thomist. Compare -ism, -istic, -ize.Click to see full answer. Herein, what is the root word for IST?The ROOT-WORD is the Suffix ISTwhich means ONE WHO & THAT WHICH.Additionally, what does the suffix ist mean in medical terms? suffix. Ist is defined as involved in a particularly field or having a certain interest or belief. An example of ist used as a suffix is in the word druggist, a person with an interest in drugs and medications. Likewise, people ask, what does the suffix ist mean in the word optimist? The suffix -ist in the word optimist means a person who practices optimism. Explanation: In the nouns ending with -ism, which is the case of optimism, pesimism, traditionalism, alcoholism, etc. when the suffix -ist is replacing -ism it is used to speak of a person who practices what the noun is refering to.What does the suffix ist mean in the word pianist? Kids Definition of -ist 1 : performer of a specified action cyclist : maker : producer novelist. 2 : a person who plays a specified musical instrument or operates a specified mechanical device pianist motorist. 3 : a person who specializes in a specified art or science or skill geologist.
