Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood | Daniel Can't Find His Watch (Spanish)
- We are feeding our animals, Mom!
- Oh, good.
Well, how about a snack for YOU then?
Farmers have to eat too, you know!
- (O and Daniel): OK!
- Daniel, where's your watch?
- Where IS my watch?
I always wear it right here!
It's gone!
I have to find my watch.
It is so, so, so special to me.
I'm so sad.
- Ohhh.
- Where could it be?
- Well, here's what I think.
I think your watch is here somewhere in your room, but it's so messyyou can't find it.
- It IS pretty messy in here.
- Yeah, it is.
I don't see it anywhere!
So what should we do?
- Well, we should clean up this messy mess so we can find it.
- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away, clean up every day ♪ If we work together, it will be easier to find your watch.
- You'll help me look for my watch?
- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away, clean up every day ♪ - Cleaning up is actually kind of fun!
You can help by looking for my watch while we clean up.
Our farm is getting cleaner!
- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away, clean up every day ♪ - Do you see my watch yet?
I don't.
Let's keep cleaning!
- Hoo-hoo!
- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away, clean up every day ♪ - That's right.
- Look!
Here it is!
- You found your watch!
- There!
- We did it.
- Hoo-hooray!
- I found my watch!
With everything so clean, it was easier to see where my watch was.
♪ Clean up, pick up, put away, clean up every day ♪