What does CSN stand for in medical terms?
CSN Stands For: Rank Abbreviation Meaning ***** CSN Certified School Nurse Degree Qualification Medical qualification Professional designation Professional title Awards & medals ***** CSN Combination Sequence Number ***** CSN Carotid sinus nerve Neurology Cardio Nerves **** CSN Crucible Swell Number Click to see full answer. Just so, what does CSN stand for?CSN. Cancer Survivors Network. CSN. College of Southern Nevada (various locations) what does CSN stand for on a hospital bracelet? stem, treatment. CSN. Central Supply Nurse. hospital, therapy, treatment. Also asked, what is a medical CSN number? Contact Serial Number (CSN) – The CSN is a unique identifier for each patient visit, such as an appointment or admission. CSNs are assigned when a visit is created, regardless of whether the encounter takes place in a hospital or clinic setting.What does CSN mean in nursing? Clinical Support Nurse